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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yale is in the Game

RECYCLEMANIA is on! Yale is in the game! Everyone on campus scores points for Yale in the national RecycleMania contest when they recycle.

If you are near Cross Campus Lawn today check out the art installation and scoreboards for RecycleMania!  Students are showcasing how many bags of trash Yale discards as a reminder that we are in the middle of a national contest to boost our recycling rate and cut our trash.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4 Steps Toward Getting Rid of Your Junk Mail

100 billion pieces of junk mail travels through the mailing system of the United States, according to the US Postal Service. That’s 2.6 million trees a year, or nearly1 billion pounds of landfill waste. By these estimates, enough junk mail is produced to reach the moon every 5 days.

Below you’ll find 4 simple steps toward ridding your mailbox of junk mail.

1. Register

Register your name with the direct marketing association’s mail preference service at and you’ll be added to their “do not mail” database.

2. Opt-Out

Opt-out of pre-approved credit card, mortgage, and insurance offers by using the online form at Note: you do NOT need to enter your SSN for this to work.

3. Remove Your Name

Remove your name from Abacus, an alliance of catalog and publishing companies, by emailing them at and requesting removal. Include your full name (with middle initial) and your complete address.

4. Call the Company

If you are still receiving mail after going through steps 1-3, pick up a phone and directly contact the companies from whom you receive unwanted mail. You can also find a sample form letter at to print, fill out, and mail to companies to request being removed from paper mailing lists.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011


Another chance coming up to rack up points and compete, this time on a national stage on behalf of Yale! Recyclemania starts soon. Judging criteria include:
  • largest amount of recyclables per capita;
  • largest total amount of recyclables;
  • least amount of trash per capita
  • and more!
Watch for more information coming soon from Yale.......... and find out more at the Recyclemania website.